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The company "AZTECG" LLC has developed for the first time in the history of physiotherapy equipment for the sterilization of naphthalan mastic. With repeated use of naphthalan mastic in physiotherapy, it is necessary after each patient procedure to sterilize from different microbes, viruses and hair that are transmitted through the skin from the bottom patient to another according to the requirements of the European Union.
Our company has developed a plant for the sterilization of naphthalan mastic with repeated use.
Naftalan mastic is a therapeutic mastic based on naphthalan oil, proposed by the Azerbaijan Scientific Research Institute of Balneology and Physical Methods of Treatment (Sh.M. Hasanov, 1940) for naphthalan therapy in clinical and resort conditions. It has the following composition: medical paraffin - 70%, refined or tarred naphthalan - 20%, ceresin - 4%, wax - 5% and camphor - 0.5-1.0%. Naftalan mastic has low thermal conductivity and low melting point (50-60 ° C), which makes it suitable for treating many diseases locally.
For the therapeutic use of naphthalan mastic, they use the application method. Before use, the briquette is heated in a water bath to 55-60 ° C. The body area to be exposed is freed from the hair. Using a paint brush, put mastic at a temperature of 45 ° C (the temperature of subsequent layers increases to 55-60 ° C) to a thickness of 1.5-2 cm (10-15 layers). The body area with mastic applied is covered with oilcloth, and then insulated with a blanket. Procedures lasting 20-40 minutes are carried out daily. The course of treatment uses 15-20 procedures.
Prepared from naphthalan oil and a number of other therapeutic agents, this mastic with good results is used for traumatic injuries, diseases of the joints and peripheral nervous system, as well as for ear diseases. The new tool not only significantly accelerates the duration of treatment, but is also more economical than other types, even such as naphthalonotherapy, because it does not require electrical equipment. Mastic made in the form of cakes is very convenient for use in any conditions.
Indications and contraindications for the therapeutic use of naphthalan mastic are the same as for naphthalan treatment in general.



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